quarta-feira, 1 de fevereiro de 2017

New Minimal

Suspenders Girl Here's a handy styling trick to try with suspenders: Instead of wearing them the traditional way, have them drape diagonally across the body.  Photo: YoungJun Koo/I'M KOO:

TheyAllHateUs | Page 3:

Вчера в Копенгагене стартовала местная неделя моды, которая в прошлом году отмечала 10-летний юбилей. Несмотря на то, что так называемая неделя длится всего три дня, датчане и приехавшие со всего мира журналисты и байеры относятся здесь к моде:

Lisa Says Gah uses real women that work in their office for their ads and they are gorgeous.:

Jessie Bush:

Les vacances stylées de la modeuse Jessie Bush.:

Natasha Goldenberg during MIlan Fashion Week SS 2014:

Fashion Gone rouge:


New York Fashion Week SS17: The Best Street Style Looks:

fashion-clue:  “ www.fashionclue.net | Fashion Tumblr, Street Wear & Outfits  ”:

All the Best Street Style Outfits from Fall 2015 New York Fashion Week | StyleCaster:

Luvtolook | Curating fashion and style: Elegance:


Urban street vibe and styling Inspo. Natasha Goldenberg                                                                                                                                                                                 More:

Na próxima estação, o minimalismo, vai regressar mais uma vez! 
 Só que desta vez, com algumas novas regras. 
Nas imagens, vemos já alguns dos símbolos, do novo minimal. 
Tomem desde já nota : 

Na próxima estação, tudo terá atilhos !! 

Não vai haver como escapar. 


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